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2025 Spring and Summer Registration Dates and Times (Mountain Time)

DateTime (MT)Sport(s)
21-30 January 9 a.m.Fathers & Sons Lottery
22-Jan9 a.m.Tennis
1 p.m.Cross Country, Track & Field
23-Jan9 a.m.Football
1 p.m.Cheer, Cougarette
24-Jan9 a.m.Basketball
1 p.m.Gymnastics, Golf
27-Jan9 a.m.Soccer
1 p.m.Rugby, Cosmo
28 Jan9 a.m.Volleyball
1 p.m.Softball, Baseball
29-Jan9 a.m.Lacrosse
1 p.m. Swim, Dive
31-Jan9 a.m.GIRLdad


Full tuition is due at the time of registration. No deposits or partial payments will be accepted. A parent can create one login identity for themselves and register multiple family members to different camps with that one login. At the time of registration, a parent will need to enter all medical emergency contact and insurance information.

Due to high demand, some camps fill very quickly and registering early is recommended. When you receive your confirmation email, please read it immediately and check it over to verify that all information (camp dates, payment amount, etc.) is correct. Notify us immediately if any of the information is incorrect.

Participants are allowed to make a roommate request at the time of registration. We will not be able to honor a roommate request made within 10 days of the start of camp.

Fathers and Sons

Registration for the Fathers and Sons Lottery opens at 9 a.m. MT on January 21 and will remain open through January 30.

At the time of registration, please register all participants on the same registration. For example, if you are a father bringing two sons to camp, you should select one father registration and two son registrations and enter information for all three applicants.

Registering for the waitlist after the lottery has closed is an option for those wishing to receive information about future Fathers and Sons Camps; however, those who have registered for the lottery will be placed on the waitlist ahead of those registering for the waitlist after the January 30th deadline.

Waitlist Registration

Cancellations and Refunds


To cancel a registration, you may self-cancel by logging into your Active account. You may also email our office at Your registration is not cancelled until you receive an email confirmation. If a program is cancelled, a full refund will be given. Brigham Young University cannot be held responsible for any change or cancellation charges required by airlines, travel agencies, or other institutions.

Only a participant and his or her parents have authority to request a refund. Full refunds, minus the 10% nonrefundable portion ($20 minimum) of camp tuition, will be given on all cancellations requested by 5 p.m. 14 days before the camp begins. No refunds will be given after this deadline. For example, if you are attending a Basketball Camp beginning Monday, June 23rd, refunds will not be given after 5 p.m. Monday, June 9th.

Fathers and Sons Camp Cancellations

Prior to April 15, there is a nonrefundable fee of 10% per person for cancellations from the Fathers and Sons Camp. Between April 15 and April 30, there is a nonrefundable fee of 20% per person for cancellations from the Fathers and Sons Camp. No refunds for cancellations that occur in May.

Learn more about general camp information