General Info
Admission and Standards
Information Packets
Cancellations and Refunds
How Long Does It Take to Get a Refund?
Transfer to a Different Camp
Roommate Requests
Early Arrivals
Evening Recreation
Meals for Nonhousing Participants
Illnesses and Injuries
Driving Directions
View our COVID-19 Management Policy
Admission and Standards
Participants attending BYU Sports Camps must maintain the standards of Brigham Young University (i.e., high standards of honor, integrity, language and morality; abstinence from tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea and harmful drugs; and modesty in dress). Athletic shorts and performance attire are acceptable only in the athletic and housing areas. Shorts worn in other areas on campus must be knee-length. Please--no sleeveless shirts or tank tops. Dress standards are strictly enforced in the cafeterias and on the main campus. Failure to comply with these standards may result in a request to make appropriate changes and/or dismissal from the camp. A clean and well-groomed appearance should be maintained. Hairstyles should be clean and neat, avoiding extreme styles. Men's hair should be trimmed above the collar, leaving the ear uncovered. Earrings for men are unacceptable, and men are expected to be clean-shaven. Beards are therefore not acceptable, except for documented reasons that must be coordinated with BYU Athletics.
The following are the responsibilities of each participant: Maintain respectful attitudes toward faculty, coaches, instructors, counselors and all other individuals; demonstrate proper use of university equipment and facilities; attend camp sessions and activities; follow instructions; respect curfews; dress modestly; refrain from vulgar and profane language; and come prepared to observe the BYU Honor Code.
Any participant involved in theft; illegal use of drugs; consumption of alcohol; infraction of dormitory rules, curfew or BYU standards; or any other unlawful or immoral act will be sent home and/or prosecuted. No refunds will be given for those asked to leave the program because of these violations. Parents are responsible for picking up a participant who has been dismissed and for paying any costs incurred for transportation. Due to safety and liability concerns, participants found in or entering campus construction areas will be subject to immediate dismissal.
Participants should be aware of the following rules and precautions:
- Do not bring a large sum of money or expensive items to camp.
- Do not leave equipment and luggage unattended.
- Do not walk alone on campus or leave campus unattended (without a coach, counselor, or other camp staff member).
- Always keep your room and valuables drawer locked (bring your own padlock).
- Write your name clearly on all items you will be bringing to camp.
The BYU Athletics Department is committed to providing a learning atmosphere that reasonably accommodates persons with disabilities who are otherwise qualified to attend. Prior to registration, all applicants with disabilities may discuss the program requirements and available facilities with the applicable program director.
Brigham Young University is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
To go to our registration page, please click CLICK HERE or on the "REGISTRATION" tab in the menu above.
Camp dates and pricing information can be found on the camp specific pages. To access this information, click on the Sport/Camp you are interested in on from the "Camps" dropdown in the top menu.
Full tuition is due at the time of registration. No deposits or partial payments will be accepted. A parent can create one login identity for themselves and register multiple family members to different camps with that one login. At the time of registration, a parent will need to enter all medical emergency contact and insurance information.
Due to high demand, some camps fill very quickly and registering early is recommended. When you receive your confirmation email, please read it immediately and check it over to verify that all information (camp dates, payment amount, etc.) is correct. Notify us immediately if any of the information is incorrect.
Camp Information Packets
Camp Information Packets will include camp information such as general schedules, meals provided, check in locations/times, etc. Camp information Packets will be available online by the beginning of April and will be posted on the specific camp webpage. We will do our best to inform you of changes to the camps but periodically check the information packets as the date for the camp gets closer to make sure you have the correct information.
Cancellations and Refunds
To cancel a registration you must either cancel online through your Active account (for eligible camps) or send an email to with the participant name and camp ID number (confirmation number). Your registration is not canceled until you receive an emailed confirmation from our office stating that the cancellation has been processed. If a program is canceled, a full refund will be given. Brigham Young University cannot be held responsible for any change or cancellation charges required by airlines, travel agencies, or other institutions.
Only a participant and his or her parents have authority to request a refund. Full refunds, minus the 10% nonrefundable portion of camp tuition ($20 minimum), will be given on all cancellations requested by 5 p.m. 14 days before the camp begins. No refunds will be given after this deadline. For example, if you are attending a Basketball Camp beginning Monday, June 23rd, refunds will not be given after 5 p.m. Monday, June 9th.
Fathers and Sons Camp Cancellations
Prior to April 15 there is a nonrefundable fee of 10% per person for cancellations from the Fathers and Sons Camp. Between April 15 and April 30, there is a nonrefundable fee of 20% per person for cancellations from the Fathers and Sons Camp. No refunds for cancellations that occur in May.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Refund?
The refund process can take between two to four weeks but is usually quicker. You will be reimbursed in the same way you paid your camp tuition.
Transfer to a Different Camp
There is a $10 fee when transfering from one sport to another (Example: Football to Basketball). There is no transfer fee when transferring from housing to non-housing within the same sport or when transferring between weeks of the same camp. When transferring from non-housing to housing the additional housing upgrade fee will apply. If the new camp is less expensive you will receive a refund
All transfers can be completed by calling (801) 422-5724 or emailing Transfers will be granted on a space-available basis only.
Roommate Requests
Roommate requests should be made at the time of registration. After your registration is complete, you will no longer be able to make or change roommate requests on your online account. In order to make or change a roommate request, please send an email to or call our office at 801-422-5724 to make that request. Requesting a roommate will not ensure that the person you request will obtain a spot in the camp; they must register for the camp while there is still space available.
While attending training sessions, camp participants will be supervised by the coaching staff. Those staying overnight in the residence halls will have a trained counselor responsible for their supervision during the evening hours. However, there may be some situations in which the participants may be unsupervised–for example, when participants are walking to and from the eating areas and during limited free time, although the participants are usually in groups during these times. This should be taken into consideration when evaluating the participant’s eligibility to attend this camp.
On-campus housing is available for many, but not all, camps for participants ages 12 and up by August 31st the year of the camp. This age limitation is in place for the safety, supervision, and best overall experience of our camp participants.
Participants requesting the housing package will stay in BYU residence halls. The cost includes breakfast, lunch and dinner, an evening recreation program, and counselor supervision. Please check the respective camp’s information packet to find out which meals will be provided for non-housing participants. Bedding and linens will be furnished for each participant, but campers should bring soap, clothes hangers, swimsuits, alarm clocks and other personal items. Participants will be liable for any damage they cause to university property, equipment or facilities. Housing is limited, so please register early!
Roommates are assigned with no more than two to a room by either preference or age. No exceptions will be made to this policy. Overnight counselors are provided on each floor. Each evening will end with a head count, short inspirational thought, and prayer. Lights must be out by 10:30 p.m. Please be aware that overnight counselors are authorized to enter a participant’s room when deemed necessary.
Key chains are recommended for those staying in campus housing. BYU Campus Accommodations charges $30 for lost keys!
Early Arrivals
Due to a change in housing policy at Brigham Young University, dorms for early arrivals are no longer available.
Evening Recreation
For housing participants only: Recreational activities during free time are essential to a successful camp experience. When residence hall participants are not in evening training sessions, they enjoy structured activities under the direction of trained counselors. These activities provide an opportunity for social interaction and fun. Free time may be used to relax, become acquainted with the campus and get to know other participants.
Meals for Nonhousing Participants
Most camps, except Cub Camps, offer lunch either in the campus cafeterias or on-site. Some camp packages include dinner as well. You will be provided with a camp agenda at check-in that will outline which meals will be provided during camp. Cub Camps do not provide any meals.
BYU Athletics is not responsible for your child until he/she arrives at camp check-in. Participants traveling to camp by plane should fly to the Salt Lake City International Airport. Brigham Young University is approximately 50 miles south of the airport. We do not provide transportation to and from the airport. Commercial shuttle services are available between the Salt Lake International Airport and BYU. For reservations and pricing, contact Express Shuttle at 1-800-397-0773. To receive the special BYU discount, you must mention what camp you are with and the reservation must be made 24 hours in advance of your arrival/departure.
Participants staying off campus who drive to camp may park their personal vehicles in the lot north of the Indoor Practice Facility.
Those staying on campus that are planning to come by car or motorcycle should be prepared to lock it and leave it parked. Personal vehicles may not be used during camp, and participants must never transport others. Violation of this rule may result in dismissal from camp. Parking is available for all campus housing participants in the residence hall parking lots or in the lot directly north of the Indoor Practice Facility.
As a guest of BYU, and to help you enjoy your stay, please remember that disability stalls, dean and official stalls, service stalls, red curbs, etc., require special permits. Parking in any of these stalls without the proper permit will result in a parking citation. Please remember that timed stalls are enforced for the time posted.
Illnesses and Injuries
Under the direction of BYU's athletic training program, experienced trainers will be present to take preventive action and to provide emergency care during the sports camps.
For minor illnesses, participants may choose to remain in their residence hall rooms or at home. Counselors must be notified in such cases. Parents of participants with a serious illness will be notified for discussion on the course of action. If parents or guardians cannot be reached, the sick participant may be taken to the hospital for treatment.
For serious injuries, participants will be taken to a local urgent care or emergency room. Athletes are encouraged to begin strength, flexibility, and nutritional training prior to camp to minimize the risk of injury during camp. It is the camp participant’s responsibility to follow the trainers’ instructions.
Participants must have health insurance coverage while attending the camp. Parents or guardians are responsible for all medical expenses incurred for participants in all camps and workshops (this includes filing claims with your primary insurance and paying remaining balances not covered by your insurance).
The parent(s) or guardian(s) of a camper requiring medical treatment will be notified of the treatment within 24 hours. We know how important timely notification is for insurance claims, so please list your daytime and home phone numbers on the registration form.
Driving Directions
I-15 Southbound to LaVell Edwards Stadium (camp check-in)
About 45 miles from Salt Lake City, take Exit 269 (University Parkway exit).
Turn east (left) at the off-ramp traffic signal.
On University Parkway, drive east through Orem, and down the hill into Provo. Stay on University Parkway for about 3 miles and it will take you right to the football stadium. Check-in will be held in the southeast corner of the stadium. There is a parking lot you can use at the southeast corner of the stadium and then enter the stadium through Gate 11.
I-15 Southbound to Helaman Halls
About 45 miles from Salt Lake City, take Exit 269 (University Parkway exit).
Turn east (left) at the off-ramp traffic signal.
On University Parkway drive east through Orem, and down the hill into Provo. Stay on University Parkway for about 4 miles Turn right onto Canyon Road.
Drive past the BYU track and turn left into Helaman Halls.
I-15 Northbound to Helaman Halls
Take the BYU / University Avenue exit off I-15.
Drive north along University Avenue past Provo Center Street.
Turn right at the 1230 N. traffic signal.Turn left at the Canyon Road signal.
Turn right into Helaman Halls.
I-15 Northbound to Lavell Edwards Stadium (camp check-in)
Take the BYU / University Avenue exit off I-15.
Drive north along University Avenue past Provo Center Street.
Turn right at the 1230 N. traffic signal.
Turn left at the Canyon Road signal.
LaVell Edwards Stadium is located on Canyon Road approximately 1/2 mile north of 1230 N. Check-in will be held in the southeast corner of the stadium. There is a parking lot you can use at the southeast corner of the stadium and then enter the stadium through Gate 11.